The Lynbrook Golf and Country Club is a family oriented golf facility committed to providing a safe, friendly and fun recreational sports environment in the City of Moose Jaw.
As the Lynbrook Golf and Country Club is the registered owner of any alcohol licence, and due to inherent legal liabilities and responsibilities, only alcohol purchased at the Lynbrook Golf and Country Club will be permitted on the course without special permission from the Board. Outside alcohol is against the law. Golf course personnel are given the authority to enforce this policy. Those who do not follow this policy may be asked to leave the golf course without compensation. We encourage all members and guests to be responsible in the use of any alcoholic beverages.
As this is a family oriented facility, guests who abuse the use of alcohol may also be asked to leave the facility. Abuse of personnel and other guests is not tolerated under any circumstance as per the Lynbrook Golf and Country Club Harassment Policy.